Toaster with toast tongs

Sometimes we spend years, perhaps our whole lives, enduring a minor irritation that can be solved with a very small cash outlay.

I don’t even have that excuse for waiting so long to buy these. Back when the children were weaning we had been passed down a device that steamed your vegetables and then pureed them. It came with plastic tongs that we would often pinch to get items out of the toaster. But when we passed along the steamer/blender we passed along the tongs.

Five years later I finally missed them too much. I had burnt my fingers too many times. And so, John Lewis vouchers in hand, I treated myself to toast tongs. And they cost £5. So now I’m kicking myself for not having bought them sooner.

Tongs in isolation

They helpfully have small magnet on one side to help attach to the toaster.

Of course these are not just a John Lewis thing. In fact within 10 minutes of purchase I saw a cheaper pair in Lakeland 🤦‍♀️.

However using them since I have been delighted at solving a relatively minor, but regular, problem. And so even if this recommendation doesn’t match a need for you is there a minor irritation you could solve with a small purchase.

Lakeland Toast Tongs (£3.49 25/11/23)

John Lewis Toast Tongs (£5 25/11/23)